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7 Excellent Benefits of Cycling that Everyone Must Know

hero cycles for boys and girls

How often do we hear someone complaining about not getting enough time for any physical activity? It is a known fact that regular physical activity can reduce several risks to your health. If going to the gym doesn’t interest you, riding a bicycle is one of the easiest ways to stay healthy.

And the best part? It is something people of all ages can do!

Did You Know?

The United Nations has declared June 3 as World Bicycle Day in 2018. But did you know that until then, April 19 was celebrated as Bicycle Day? It was done so in honour of the Swiss scientist Albert Hofman. Hofman ingested LSD and then rode all the way home on his bicycle.

7 Benefits of Cycling

Check out some of the amazing benefits of cycling. These are:

Ride For A Healthy Heart

Cycling is a task that can help your heart stay healthy. As it makes your heart beat faster, it also decreases blood pressure and lowers your resting heart rate. Therefore, cycling at a constant speed gets you into cardio mode. You can reap the same health rewards that one would get from walking, dancing, or running.

Tone Your Body

Cycling builds muscles. It also tones your hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Doing regular cycling exercises your entire body. It helps in making your shoulders, arms, and lower body stay active.

If you have a higher muscle mass, your basal metabolic rate will also be higher. Therefore, cycling can help you burn more calories. A cyclist will burn 260 calories in an hour if he moves at 10 mph.

Eases Arthritis Symptoms

One of the best benefits of cycling is that it does not require you to lift any weights. Compared to other cardiovascular activities, it has a much lower injury rate. As it strengthens the lower leg muscles and maintains leg joint mobility, it will help reduce arthritis symptoms. However, it is always advisable to consult a physician before cycling regularly.

Increase Social Activity

Cycling is a gender-neutral and age-neutral activity. Making children learn to cycle is considered a life skill. It is an activity you can enjoy with your children and parents together. Moreover, it allows you to meet new people with the same interests and create social well-being. All in all, it is a fun activity.

Lose Weight

It is a proven fact that cycling regularly can help you lose body fat. Combine cycling with a healthy diet, and you will see a measurable change in your body. Cycling every day for 15 minutes will help you burn calories and lose weight faster.

It Benefits the Environment

Cycling makes use of muscle power instead of natural gas. So, it saves fuel. Vehicles are the biggest cause of greenhouse gas emissions in cities. These gases damage not only the nervous system but may also lead to severe respiratory issues. Cycling, on the other hand, is a noiseless, pollution-free mode of transport.

Bike Riding Helps Us Make Our Sitting Posture Better

One of the worst habits people fall into is not maintaining correct posture. Cycling in the right posture helps maintain the same throughout the day. As a result, it will reduce your back pain and will give you a good back posture. A good cycle, whether a girls’ or boys’ cycle, will help you stay in the right posture.


You can reap numerous health benefits while exploring beautiful terrains or commuting to and fro a place. Additionally, you will also be hailed as an environment caretaker! Whether you are a young kid, an adult, or a senior citizen, you can always benefit from this activity. Nowadays, there are many bicycles for women to choose from. Cycling regularly will help your everyday activities become easier. Walking, standing longer, and stair climbing will not be difficult. All these benefits make cycling an enjoyable and social activity.
