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Editorial Policy

At, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of journalistic integrity, transparency, and accountability. Our editorial policy is a reflection of our commitment to providing our readers with accurate, unbiased, and trustworthy news coverage.

Correctness and Accuracy

Every piece of content published on undergoes a rigorous fact-checking process. Our team of experienced reporters and editors meticulously verify information from multiple credible sources to ensure its accuracy before it is shared with our readers.


We are dedicated to transparency and accountability. In the event that errors are identified in our content, we promptly correct them and clearly communicate the corrections to our readers. We believe in owning up to our mistakes and striving to maintain the highest standards of accuracy at all times.

Independence and Neutrality operates with complete editorial independence. Our editorial decisions are based solely on journalistic merit, free from any external influence or agenda. We are committed to reporting the news objectively, without bias or favoritism.

Conflict of Interest

Members of our team are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may arise in the course of their work. We actively manage situations that could compromise our neutrality or give the appearance of bias, ensuring that our reporting remains impartial and credible.


We believe in transparency regarding the sources of our information and the funding behind our content. Whenever possible, we cite our sources and disclose any financial support received for specific projects or investigations. Our readers deserve to know the origins of the information they consume.

Respect and Fairness

We respect the privacy of individuals and exercise caution when reporting on matters that involve personal lives unless there is a clear public interest. Our goal is to provide fair and balanced coverage, representing diverse viewpoints and giving all stakeholders the opportunity to respond to accusations or criticisms.

Feedback and Accountability

We welcome feedback from our readers and take complaints seriously. Our dedicated team is committed to addressing concerns and upholding the principles outlined in our editorial policy. We strive to maintain open lines of communication with our audience and continuously improve our standards of journalism.

Review and Updates

Our editorial policy is regularly reviewed and updated to reflect the latest best practices and standards in journalism. We are committed to evolving with the changing digital landscape while remaining steadfast in our commitment to integrity and professionalism.  Editorial Policy is our promise to our readers. By adhering to these principles, we endeavor to earn your trust and respect as India’s top news media outlet.