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10 Best Shopify Apps To Help Increase Your Conversions

Shopify Apps

Are you looking for ways to increase your conversions and maximize your profits on Shopify? You’re in the right place. Shopify is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms, offering a wide range of features and options for businesses. It also has a growing selection of apps that can help you make more sales and boost customer engagement. In this article, we’ll look at 10 of the best Shopify apps to help you increase conversions instantly. From abandoned cart recovery to email marketing automation, we’ll cover all areas that could give your store a much-needed boost. So, let’s dive in!

Shopify Apps to Help Increase Conversions

1. Shopify Checkout:

Shopify Checkout is one of the most popular apps available on Shopify. It allows you to customize the checkout process for your store, which can help increase conversions. You can add a custom logo, change the color scheme, and add social media buttons to the checkout page. You can also add a custom message to the thank you page.

2. Shopify Product Reviews:

Shopify Product Reviews is another popular app that can help increase conversions. It allows customers to leave reviews for products they’ve purchased from your store. These reviews are then displayed on the product page, which can help convince other potential customers to purchase the product.

3. Shopify Custom Shopping Cart:

Shopify Custom Shopping Cart is a great app for stores that want to offer a unique shopping experience. It allows you to create a custom shopping cart that can be tailored to your brand. You can change the colors, fonts, and layout of the cart, and you can also add a custom logo. This app can help make your store stand out from other online stores and increase conversions as a result.

How to Install a Shopify App

If you’re looking to increase your Shopify conversion rate, there are a few apps you can install to help give you a boost. In this article, we’ll go over the best Shopify apps to help increase your conversions instantly.

1. Install the Boost Sales app

The first app on our list is the Boost Sales app, which is designed to help increase your online sales. The app offers a number of features that can help you boost your conversion rate, including:

A/B testing: Test different versions of your product pages to see which one converts best.

Exit intent popups: Show a special offer to visitors who are about to leave your site.

Upsells and cross-sells: Increase order value by offering related products at checkout.

2. Install the Quick View app

Next up is the Quick View app, which allows customers to get a quick look at products without leaving the page they’re on. This can be helpful for reducing friction during the shopping process and increasing conversions. Quick View also offers a number of other features, such as:

Customers can view product details without leaving the page they’re on

Images zoom when hovered over

3. Install the Product Reviews app
The Product Reviews app allows customers to leave reviews for products they’ve purchased from your store.Product reviews are valuable because they provide social proof that can help increase conversions.

The Best Shopify Apps for Increasing Conversions

Conversion is essential for any ecommerce business – it is the process of turning a visitor into a paying customer. The best Shopify apps can help increase conversions by optimizing your website for sales, providing live chat support, and abandoned cart recovery.

Using the right apps can make a big difference in your conversion rate. Here are some of the best Shopify apps to help you increase conversions:

1. OptinMonster – OptinMonster helps you turn visitors into subscribers and customers with its powerful lead capture forms. It includes features like exit intent popups, A/B testing, and page level targeting that let you convert more visitors into subscribers and customers.

2. LiveChat – LiveChat is a powerful live chat software that lets you provide real-time support to your customers. It helps reduce shopping cart abandonment and boosts sales conversions by providing live help when customers need it most.

3. Abandoned Cart Recovery – Abandoned Cart Recovery helps recover lost sales by sending automated email reminders to customers who have left items in their shopping carts. It’s a crucial tool for any ecommerce business that wants to boost its conversion rate.

How to Use Shopify Apps to Increase Conversions

If you’re looking for ways to increase your Shopify conversion rate, then you should consider using apps. There are many different types of apps available that can help you improve your online store in a variety of ways.

One of the most effective ways how to increase conversions with squdvision is by optimizing your website for search engine optimization (SEO). By using an app like SEO Manager, you can make sure that your site is properly optimized for major search engines like Google. This will help bring more traffic to your site, which can lead to more sales.

Another great way to increase conversions is by offering discounts and coupons to your customers. You can use an app like Smart Coupons to automatically generate coupons for your customers based on their purchase history. This helps encourage repeat business and builds customer loyalty.

Finally, one of the best ways to increase conversions on Shopify is by providing excellent customer service. By using an app like Help Center Pro, you can create a comprehensive knowledge base for your customers. This will help them find answers to their questions quickly and easily, which can lead to more satisfied customers and increased sales.


Shopify apps provide a great way to quickly and easily increase your website’s conversions. With the right app, you can gain invaluable insights into user behaviour, automate tedious tasks, personalize customer experiences and more. Having reviewed 10 of the best Shopify apps for increasing conversions instantly, we hope that this article has given you some good ideas on which ones to try out. So go ahead and start exploring how Shopify apps can help convert visitors into buyers today!


  • Kathleen Perez

    Kathleen Perez is a seasoned senior content editor with two years of dedicated experience. Proficient in crafting compelling narratives, she excels in refining content for maximum impact. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Kathleen consistently delivers high-quality work that captivates audiences and exceeds expectations.

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