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Accounting Services London: How To Find The Best Accounting Company

accounting companies london

Finding a good accounting company in London can take time and effort. The big CPA firms are filled with pressure-cooker environments that make it hard for associates to find their niche and build trustworthy client relationships. Smaller, local accounting firms can get buried under the competition. If they operate in a saturated market and don’t have the resources to spend on marketing, client services, and other high-cost activities. So how do you find an accounting companies London that doesn’t just offer a comfortable work environment and has great associates? Check out our handy guide below!

Conduct Due Diligence Before You Hire Anyone

You’ll want to scour the internet to find an accounting firm that hires great people. But you’ll also want to look at the firm’s hiring process. Can you interview the hiring manager to see if they would fit your personality and work style well? Do they seem like they have an organizational strategy that fits your needs? Can you see where you’d fit in? These sorts of questions will help you evaluate the culture at the firm and make sure you’re a good fit for the team. 

The same goes for hiring managers. If they seem like they would make good leaders, hire them out of fear of being stuck in a bad job. You’ll find that you’re happier and the company is more successful.

Only Hire From a Locally-Sourced List

While it is tempting to hire everyone that applies, it’s wise to keep your hiring list local. You want to ensure that you’re attracting talent from your area, not just any remote soul, with a resume. Hiring managers tend to look for resumes from the local region, which is why you should hire from your area’s list. If you only hire from the internet, you’re likely to miss out on talent already in the area. 

If you only hire within a local area, you’ll be able to build a network of connections that you can tap into for new hires and referrals. For a more detailed guide on finding the best accounting services London, we wrote a guide on the topic: Top Accounting companies in London.

Check For Recent Reviews

Checking online reviews is a no-brainer, but you may be surprised to learn that you can also find this information in person! You can often find this information on your local networking group’s Facebook or LinkedIn company page. 

At meetups and conferences like Accounting Today’s For the Love of Accounting Conference, you can also find people to talk to about their past experiences at the accounting firm. You can also reach out to former associates and ask for reviews.

You may be surprised at how willing people are to give you a reference for their former employer! These references can be your best friend when deciding which accounting firm to work at. So make sure you take advantage of them.

Don’t Forget To Check the References

You’ve done your research on the firm and have reached out to former colleagues for references. Now it’s time to use those references! If possible, drop by the accounting firm’s offices and see some of the people you plan to work with. 

This can seem intimidating at first, but you’ll be surprised at how helpful people are also happy to help you get set up and go through a few rounds of onboarding. This is also a great time to pitch your skills as a potential benefit to the firm. 

Hiring managers may also ask former associates about their experience with candidates. You may be asked what your strengths are as an associate and what the firm could do better.

Bottom Line

Finding the right accounting firm in London can be tough, so it’s essential to take some steps to ensure that you find the best fit for you and your career. Hiring from a local list is one way to ensure that you’re hiring locally. And can also help you find candidates with more experience. 

