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How To Defend Punches More Effectively?

How To Defend Punches More Effectively?

If you’ve ever been involved in a physical altercation, then you know that defending yourself against punches can be a challenge.

Fortunately, there are some techniques and strategies you can use to help protect yourself in such a situation. In this blog post, we’ll discuss four tips to help you defend punches more effectively with proper boxing gloves and pads.

Whether you’re a martial artist, a boxer, or simply looking for self-defense techniques, you’ll find something here that you can use to improve your technique. Read on to learn more about how to defend punches better!

“You can block, deflect, and evade even the most skilled punchers if you know how to defend punches in boxing!”

1) Get In A Good Stance

Having a good stance is essential when it comes to defending punches effectively. It is important to stay balanced, keep your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and maintain an athletic position with your weight evenly distributed between both feet.

Make sure you’re not hunched over, as this will make you vulnerable to punches and limit your range of motion. Keep your chin down, hands up, and stay relaxed; being tense can cause you to tire quickly.

Your elbows should be tucked in towards your body, allowing for quicker reaction times to any incoming punches. Practice getting in a good stance as much as possible so that it becomes second nature in a fight.

“There are 17.1 injuries per 100 boxer-matches, or 3.4 injuries per 100 boxer-rounds in boxing.”

2) Use Your Non-Dominant Hand To Block

Blocking punches with your non-dominant hand is an effective way to defend yourself from an attacker. To do this, you must first learn the proper technique of wearing boxing gloves and pads. When blocking, you should position your non-dominant arm across the outside of your body with your elbow slightly bent.

It will help you create a barrier for the incoming punch. Make sure that you keep your arm close to your body to provide maximum protection. Additionally, it’s important to remain aware of the direction of the punch, so you can adjust your blocking arm accordingly.

When blocking with your non-dominant hand, you should also keep your chin tucked and utilize your other arm to protect your face. By practicing this technique, you can improve your defense against an opponent’s punches.

3) Use Your Bodyweight To Your Advantage

One of the most important things you can do when defending yourself from a punch is to use your bodyweight to your advantage.

To do this, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees. This stance will allow you to easily move and shift your weight as needed. Additionally, when a punch is coming in, try to step into it rather than stepping away; this will create more force behind the block.

4) Use Your Elbows And Knees

When defending against a punch with boxing gloves and pads, use your elbows and knees to your advantage. When an attacker punches, they’re usually not expecting you to counter with an elbow or knee. This will surprise them and give you the upper hand.

Use your elbow or knee to block the punch, as well as to retaliate with a hit of your own. It’s important to practice using your elbow and knee for defence so you can react quickly and accurately in the heat of the moment. A few practice rounds should get you up to speed.

