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Brand Design Levels: Rigid Boxes Brand More Than Just a Logo

custom rigid boxes

A brand is more than just a logo. In fact, a logo is just the surface level of what a brand represents. A brand’s design should reflect its core values and how it wants to be perceived. If you want your branding to be effective, it’s important to understand how different levels of design impact your brand’s success. In this blog post, we will discuss levels of brand design and how you can use them to make your rigid boxes more than just a logo.

What is brand design?

brand design

There are different levels of brand design, and each level has its own set of objectives. At the lowest level, you’re just trying to create a logo. At the next level up, you’re trying to create a brand identity. And at the highest level, you’re trying to create a comprehensive brand vision.

Levels of Brand Design

Designers create levels of brand design for consumer products and services in order to make them more memorable, engaging, and ultimately successful.
There are five levels of brand design:
1: Logos
2: Brands
3: Identities
4: Marketing communication
5: Customer experience
Logos represent the most basic form of branding and consist of a name or symbol designed to identify a company or product. A well-crafted logo can be the foundation for a successful brand.
Brands are the most visible form of branding and represent the company’s name, mission statement, values, image, and target audience. A well-designed brand can convey personality and credibility to a product or service.
Identities are unique representations of a company or product that are developed through branding communications such as advertising, packaging, website design, etc. An effective identity helps consumers connect with the company and its products.
Marketing communication refers to all the activities undertaken by marketers to reach their target audience with persuasive messages about products or services. Effective marketing communication builds trust between the company and its customers by communicating authentic messages that resonate with them.
Customer experience is all about creating an emotional connection between customers and the company’s products or services. This includes everything from customer service interactions to how products look and feel. It’s important for companies to focus on creating positive experiences for their customers in order to keep them loyal and encourage them to evangelize for their brands.

The Process of Brand Design

When it comes to creating a brand, it’s important to understand the different levels of design. At its most basic, a logo is just a graphic representation of your company or product. As your brand becomes more complex, you may want to consider additional levels of design, such as level one being the logo and level two being the branding system.
Level one is simply the logo it’s what people see first when looking at your brand. This should be simple and recognizable, with no frills or extra elements. Level two is where you start to introduce elements that will make your brand more than just a logo. For example, you might add color and style to your logo to give it a more professional look. You might also create stylized icons or symbols to represent your company or product. Finally, you might design a comprehensive branding system, which includes everything from marketing materials (like brochures and website designs) to customer service procedures.
Whatever level of design you choose for your brand, make sure that it’s consistent throughout all aspects of your business. This will help create a unified image for customers and help them remember your brand easily. Whether you go with a simple logo or an elaborate branding system, making sure that everything looks good together will help ensure that your brand stands out from the competition.

How to Make Your Rigid Boxes Brand Become More Than a Logo

Making your custom rigid boxes more than just a logo starts with understanding the different levels of brand design. At its most basic level, a brand is simply a name or symbol that signifies what you sell. At the next level, a brand becomes an emotional connection between you and your customers. Finally, at the highest level, a brand becomes an integral part of who you are as a person.
To achieve the first two levels of branding, you need to create simple, memorable logos that represent your products accurately and without clutter. The third level requires more creativity and effort but can result in stronger customer relationships and even legacy value. Here are five steps to achieving higher levels of branding for your rigid box company:
1) Define your brand intentions: What does your company stand for? What values do you want to promote? Why should customers choose your product over any other? Once you know what your core values are and why they matter, it will be easier to communicate those values to customers through your logos, website design, and marketing initiatives.
2) Create clear identity guidelines: It’s important that all design elements (logos, website layouts, etc.) support the overall identity of your brand. Make sure all visuals are consistent in both look and message across all mediums (e.g., print advertisements, social media posts, accounts, etc.).

Rigid Boxes for Maximum Reach

These a great tools for maximum reach. They have a fixed width and height, so you can use them to create distinct brand elements or emphasize key points on your website.
To create a rigid box, start by creating a basic logo or template in Photoshop or Illustrator. Make sure the dimensions of the logo are tight you’ll want it to fit inside a 1′′ border all around. Once you have your template, export it as an image file.
Next, open Inkscape and create a vector drawing of your logo. You can use any vector software to create the shape—just be sure the dimensions of your logo are correct before you start drawing.

A Marketing Plan via Rigid Boxes

College students and recent grads are always looking for ways to make a name for themselves in the business world. One way to do this is by creating strong, recognizable brands. A brand is more than just a logo or a slogan; it’s a unique identity that your business has. To create a strong brand, you need to start with a plan.
