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Smile Makeover: Ways to Fix Damaged Teeth

Smile Makeover

Individuals are attracted to you and have been affected positively by your smile for a long time. However, many people still find it awkward to smile while keeping their mouths wide open and may feel self-conscious about it. People had to deal with their dental and smile issues back then because there weren’t many treatment alternatives. But now that cosmetic dentistry has progressed, there are numerous possibilities for changing your smile into the gorgeous one.

What will best address all of your smile-related problems is a smile makeover. However, combining different or more treatments is known as a smile makeover. It is generally done to make someone’s smile look better so they can have the best possible smile. Teeth discoloration, chipped teeth, improper tooth alignment, and other dental abnormalities that make you feel self-conscious are among the dental issues that are commonly corrected during this cosmetic treatment.

Additionally, smile makeover treatments are done for various factors and are personalized to your particular needs. Likewise, a few elements considered include your facial features, skin tone, hair color, teeth (color, size, shape, and tooth exhibition), gum tissue, and lips. 

In this post, we’ll talk about improving your smile and all the different procedures to treat damaged teeth. Read on to learn more.


Some Smile Makeover Treatments

Smile makeover dental services use a range of dental innovations and techniques to demonstrate the improvements your smile will likely undergo. Therefore, the following procedures may be suggested by a dentist to improve one’s smile and reinstate any damaged teeth:


  • Dental Veneers

If a tooth’s damage is predominantly on the front aspect, it can be covered up using dental veneers, which are tooth-shaped prostheses. They act as caps affixed to the front teeth with cement, hiding damage and other imperfections. Following smile makeover treatments, veneers can be utilized to conceal problems like damaged and chipped teeth.

The front portion of the tooth’s enamel must be removed to put veneers on. The enamel is taken down to a certain extent based on the width of the veneers that can be used. Any tooth with veneer implementation will always require restoration to keep it safe because the procedure cannot be undone.

On the other hand, no-prep veneers do not need a sizable amount of enamel to be removed. These are preferable for people who do not intend to change their teeth irreparably, but regular veneers usually offer the best stunning results.


  •  Dental Bonding

Damaged teeth, discoloration, and gaps between teeth can all be treated with dental bonding and less painful surgery with exceptional outcomes. It entails strengthening teeth with an epoxy matrix composed of a plastic and glass blend. Restorations appear natural since the resin matches the patient’s teeth in color.

For each tooth being fixed, composite bonding takes roughly 30 minutes to complete. It is a simple procedure that does not need altering the teeth being set in any way that would be everlasting. The tooth is made rougher using an etching solution before the resin is placed. It is then polished after being formed into the desired shape and cemented using a curing light.


  • Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are applied to treat various dental conditions, including cracked, chipped, or wrecked teeth. These dental accessories, sometimes known as caps, encapsulate the whole visible portion of a tooth. Dental crowns are often used to overlay broken teeth for aesthetic reasons and to keep them from crumbling.

To improve the fitting of the restoration, tooth enamel is excluded from the patient’s teeth, preparatory to fitting them with a crown. When there is damage to multiple sides of a tooth, heights are often advised since they need less enamel removal than veneers.


Keeping Your Smile Makeover Results

You can keep your new dazzling-looking smile for the foreseeable future by understanding how to change your oral hygiene routines to best care for your restorations. Toothbrushing techniques and kinds of toothpaste with a high abrasiveness can harm restoration surfaces, dampening their shine and luster. Therefore, fluoride tubes of toothpaste without abrasives are advised. 

The effectiveness of flossing in eliminating sediment and bacteria from the teeth substantially prolongs the life of restorations and reduces the risk of tooth decay. All of us should floss, but those who have veneers should floss more frequently since perfect gum tissue health is crucial. It has been demonstrated that mouthwashes with alcohol damage composite fillings. It is preferable to use alcohol-free mouthwashes in their place.


Parting Words

There may be more than simply aesthetic benefits to a smile makeover. The various techniques are also helpful for fixing damaged teeth and averting other dental problems. 

However, you can look for the best smile makeover dental clinic, Signature Smiles, to fix and restore your damaged teeth. It is well-known for operating the finest smile makeover clinic and is your one-stop destination for all issues relating to smile makeovers. Nevertheless, the price of a smile makeover in India ranges from INR 5,000 onwards, depending on the best treatment for you.
