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What Is the Timeline for Receiving My Gas Safety Certificate

Gas Safety Certificate

Your engineer will provide you with a digital copy of the Landlord Gas Safety Record, often known as a Gas Safety Certificate UK. If you arrange your gas safety inspection through, we will get the certificate via email and forward it to you.

What does my gas safety certificate say?

This is what your gas safety certificate will say:

  • A list of all the appliances and their locations
  • The date the check was written
  • The location of the property
  • Details about any issues and how to resolve them

What happens if my home’s gas safety check fails?

If your engineer believes that any of your gas appliances are defective or unsafe. They will mark the certificate with the “Not safe to use” label. There are three possible ways to establish that an appliance is not safe to use on certificates:

  • Immediately Dangerous (ID) indicates that an appliance poses an immediate hazard to life.
  • At Risk (AR) indicates that an appliance or installation has at least one fault that could endanger a person’s life.
  • Not according to Current Standards (NCS): A device or installation. That does not match contemporary standards but is nonetheless technically safe.

If there are imminent concerns or threats, your gas engineer will request authorization to switch off the gas supply. They will then inform you what work is required to resolve the issues. Repairs must be completed in a reasonable length of time. If not as quickly as feasible, to avoid endangering your renters.

Where can I locate a competent Gas Safe engineer?

A fully trained Gas Safe Engineer should perform all gas safety testing and maintenance. When the engineer arrives, you or your tenant should request identification to ensure they are licensed. Every year, unqualified engineers perform over a quarter of a million illegal jobs. Yet one-third of UK adults admit they don’t verify their engineer is certified (Gas Safe Register).

When you purchase and schedule a gas safety inspection via Gas Safety Certificate UK, it is always performed by a Gas Safe engineer. Schedule your annual gas safety inspection today. You can also check the Gas Safe Register to see if your engineer is Gas Safe qualified.

How can I get into the house to perform a gas safety check?

Landlords must provide renters with at least 24 hours written notice. Before conducting any visits to the premises, including gas safety checks. Keep a copy of this notice if the tenant refuses to let the landlord in. And the landlord must demonstrate what efforts were taken. If this occurs and the record is about to or has already expired, notify the Environmental Health Department that the property lacks a valid Gas Safety Certificate UK.

What are the guidelines for gas safety visits?

Landlords must strike a compromise between their legal maintenance obligations and safeguarding their tenants against outbreak. Also the government, landlords should do all possible to ensure that gas safety tests are performed annually. Residents may become ill from carbon monoxide or die from gas explosions if they do not.

Suppose a tenant is vulnerable, attempting to protect themselves, or isolating themselves. In that case, they should notify the landlord. So that the inspection can be postponed until the period of isolation is finished. When entering a home, gas engineers should wear appropriate safety equipment. Keep a safe distance from other individuals, and wash their hands as often as feasible.

When should I provide my tenant with a copy of the gas safety certificate?

Following your yearly gas safety inspection, you must provide your renters with a copy of the Gas Safety Certificate UK as soon as possible. Within 28 days of the inspection, you must provide a copy of the record to current tenants. You must provide it to new renters when they move in.
