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What To Know About Web3 Social Media Strategy in 2023

To help you make social media plans that work with Web3, we asked social media managers and Web3 fans for their best predictions about what’s to come. From expecting ID verification with Blockchain to expecting automation on all social media platforms, there are a few ideas that could help you make plans ahead of time to get the most out of Web3 applications in social media marketing.

Blockchain will likely be used to verify IDs.

Megha Gaedke of KetoConnect says, “With the rise of Web3, one thing to think about when making a social media strategy is how blockchain technology could be used to verify users’ identities. This could make it harder for people to make fake accounts and send spam on social media sites. Since blockchain-based identity verification is still in its early stages, it may take a while for web3 social media app development platforms to start using it widely. In the meantime, other steps, like more account verification and better ways for users to report fake accounts and spam, can help fight fake accounts and spam.

Focus on the customer in everything you do.

Gary Warner of Joloda Hydaroll says, “The customer should be the most important thing to think about in any Web3-ready social media strategy.” Web3 will be all about the user and put them at the center of everything. Building strong, meaningful relationships directly with customers will be the key to its success. This should be the most important part of any social media strategy. The value of making generic content will go down, and businesses will need to focus more and more on building relationships with individual users. It will be a great chance to build trust and loyalty, and having a long-term relationship with your ideal customer will be very valuable.

Get ready for the mass incorporation

Devin Schumacher of SERP says, “With the coming mass adoption of Web3, social media stands to gain a lot if it prepares itself for mass integration. This is counterintuitive to social media’s current lifecycle as monopolized, stand-alone platforms. Web3 wants to get rid of these barriers and connect all platforms, giving the user more power. If social media wants to stay around and grow, it needs to get ready for mass integration and give at least some of its users’ data back to them, if not all of it. Even when the user owns and controls his or her data, it’s likely that he or she will still use the big platforms, but now more on the user’s terms. Users are more likely to adopt something if they can use it on their own terms. In other words, you must change or die.”

Make a plan that can be changed and adjusted.

My Millennial Guide’s Brian Meiggs says, “There are a few things to think about when coming up with a social media strategy in the Web3 age.” First, you should know that the web is changing and that new technologies are coming out. This means that your social media strategy needs to be flexible and open to change. Second, you need to know about the different platforms and how they work so that the right people see your content. Lastly, you should think about how you can use social media to make your business or brand more valuable. By understanding these key parts, you’ll be able to make a social media strategy that will help you succeed in the ever-changing world of the internet. Through web3 consulting company you will know about the aspects of web3 social media platforms. 

You can expect automation on all social media sites.

Robert Burn from Nuleev said, “Web3 comes with blockchain, which brings decentralization. Every day, there is more and more spread out power. This means that older systems are being replaced by ones that are much more democratic. Instead of just a few big tech companies, there will be more and more of them. Businesses need to get ready for this, and I’m sure that developers want to take advantage of the fact that social media marketing is becoming much more widespread by automating posts on multiple platforms. Automation will make life much easier for anyone who connects with customers on social media, and it will become an important part of SMM in the near future.
