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Why Should You Sort Your Laundry Before Washing?

Why Should You Sort Your Laundry Before Washing?

Life would be a lot easier if doing laundry only required turning on a washer and dryer. However, as you are aware, your laundry chores begin before you put your clothes in the washer and end after the last spin in the dryer. You must gather your clothes, sort them, wash and dry them, fold or hang them, and store them. All of those steps consume time that could be spent on more enjoyable activities. Some people choose to skip the sorting process entirely and let their laundry chips fall where they may. Please resist the temptation if you have been tempted to do so. If you are unaware of how to sort laundry before washing, then you should avail “laundry near me” service. Here are some reasons why you should sort your laundry before washing:

Preserves color

You undoubtedly want to preserve the colors of your clothes when washing them. Whites should stay white, and darks should stay dark. This, however, cannot occur if you wash everything together. To avoid color bleeding, separate your garments before washing. Although some high-tech washing machines have a feature to prevent color-bleeding, you should still sort your garments as a precaution. Excess dye will bleed through even the most sophisticated machines. Sorting your garments is also important if you intend to use black or bluing agents.

Reduce lint build up

Tossing your bath towels with jeans, dark pants, cotton shirts, or other items can result in an unsightly accumulation of lint on your clothing. Then you’ll spend hours picking lint balls out of your favorite jeans. If you don’t have enough time to sort your laundry, then you should browse “laundry near me” to get the best laundry service around you.

Reading the care label

If you’ve never done laundry before or have new garments, start by reading the care label. Your choice of the appropriate drying temperature, washing machine cycle (use the gentle cycle if the label suggests hand washing), and water temperature will all be aided by the label. Always keep washable goods apart from delicate clothing that should only be dry cleaned.

Stain removal

Stain removal is one component of sorting that must be taken into account. It is one thing for garments that aren’t too dirty, but if tough or numerous stains aren’t removed before washing, the clothes might not be able to be cleaned. Therefore, take out the garments that have substantial grass, food, or blood stains first, soak them, or dab laundry detergent directly on the stain before washing. Additionally, be sure to pretreat the stains according to the type of stain. For instance, many stains can be pre-treated by soaking the clothing in a solution of warm water and vinegar for about an hour while occasionally agitating the garments. It’s crucial to use cold water rather than warm water to remove blood stains.

If you don’t know how to sort your laundry before washing, then you should browse “laundry near me” service. Love2laundry provide the best laundry service among all. Contact them to get more details.
