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Everything You Need To Know About Water Softener

The negative impacts of hard water on your house are numerous. Your issue might be resolved by installing a water softener. To learn everything about water softeners and their advantages, keep reading.

Hard water is characterized as having accumulated minerals and maybe a costly problem to deal with. Groundwater’s dissolved minerals react with the heat in your home’s pipes to form scale and build up, which harms your pipes, fixtures, and appliances.

A water softener uses an ion-exchange procedure to remove the minerals from hard water. Hard water-causing mineral ions are trapped by the resin in the system and exchanged for sodium and potassium ions.

If you are considering installing a water softener, choose Eco Pro Plumbing. They are the best Cambridge plumbing service, and also offer the best water heater repair in Cambridge

Eco Pro Plumbing & Drains | Your Best Solution for Plumbing Services Done Right

Characteristics of hard water

Maybe someone told you that the water in your neighborhood is hard. However, how can you be certain? There are a number of indicators of hard water in daily living.

  • You might experience drier-than-normal skin.
  • Your clothing never smells or appears clean, even when you wash them.
  • Your tub is covered with soap scum, and your showerhead is covered in scale.
  • The water pressure in each of your faucets is low.
  • When your dishes dry, there are watermark remnants on them.
  • The tap water has a metallic taste.
  • Blocked drains in your washing machine, dishwasher, or water heater.
  • The walls of sinks and showers have an excessive build-up of lime and chalk.

Get a free quotation from Eco pro plumbing today if you notice any of these signs. A wide range of services are provided by this company, including 24 Hour Emergency Plumbing.

Benefits of a water softener 

Reduces costs

You will spend less money on expensive repairs since soft water does not contain the mineral ions that cause build-up in pipes and appliances. The buildup of minerals in a line limits the amount of water that can flow through, necessitating increased pump pressure. Additionally, it will increase the energy needed to keep the water at the desired temperature. You would need to replace and repair your dishwasher, washing machine, coffee maker, and water heater frequently. Your appliances’ quality and effectiveness are decreased by scale build-up. Installing a water softener could therefore solve all of these problems.

Softer and more vibrant clothing

If your water is hard, you run the most risk of washing your clothes with mineral stains. Over time, the minerals will make the color fade, and some minerals may even leave stains or change the color of your clothing. Soft water dissolves in clothing more readily, enabling complete cleaning. You would need less detergent to clean your clothes because water softeners dissolve detergent more effectively.

Cleaner dishes

It’s the calcium and mineral deposits that hard water leaves behind after it dries that form streaks, film, or residue on your dishes. They will be visible on your plates after washing with tap water if you don’t have a soft water system. Your dishes will become less durable as a result of the sediment in the water, which makes it easier for food and soap scum to stick. In order to prevent minerals from building up on your dishes, a water softener eliminates the issue at its root. Furthermore, because soaps and detergents dissolve in soft water more readily, more lather is created, which is necessary for thorough cleaning.

Healthier skin and cleaner hair

Your skin and hair can benefit greatly from soft water. Mineral ions in hard water prevent it from being completely dissolved by soaps, leaving behind a soap-scum residue. These minerals are absent from soft water, producing a richer lather. Beyond soap lather, employing a water softener has advantages for the skin. You could find it useful in coping with the negative consequences of hard water on your body, such as the loss of natural oils in your skin and hair.

Boost your water heater’s effectiveness 

Due to scum and scale buildup that may result in blockages and harm to your boiler, hard water can cause havoc on your water heating system. The scale essentially serves as an additional layer of insulation, preventing the heat from being transferred into the water. It is well known that these deposits significantly lower your boiler’s efficiency, often by as much as 50%. 

Even a little deposit could result in a 12% loss in heat efficiency. The scale will eventually dissolve when soft water is going through your system, solving the issue entirely.

Cut down on cleaning time 

Soft water is ideal for rinsing because it doesn’t leave a streaky residue and will probably make it easier to remove dirt from the entire house. Hard water makes it more challenging to create an effective lather to remove dirt and stains, and the mineral deposits they leave behind can give smooth surfaces a spotty appearance.

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