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WWE 2K19 or NBA 2K19 on PC? Let’s Compare Their Resolutions

WWE 2K19 and NBA 2K19

The world of video gaming has been growing rapidly with the introduction of high-end graphics and advanced gameplay mechanics. Wrestling and basketball fans alike have been captivated by the realism and detail that these games offer. In this article, we will be comparing two popular sports games, WWE 2K19 and NBA 2K19, on the aspect of resolution when played on a PC.

What is Resolution?

Resolution refers to the level of detail or sharpness of an image, video, or display screen. It is usually measured in terms of the number of pixels or dots that make up the image or screen. The higher the resolution, the more detailed and clear the image or screen appears.

In the case of images, resolution is measured in pixels per inch (PPI) or dots per inch (DPI). The higher the PPI or DPI, the sharper and clearer the image will be. The resolution of a digital camera or scanner refers to the number of pixels that can be captured or scanned.

For display screens, the resolution is measured in terms of the number of pixels displayed horizontally and vertically, such as 1920×1080 (also known as Full HD) or 3840×2160 (also known as 4K). The higher the resolution, the more detailed and lifelike the images and videos appear.

It’s important to note that resolution is just one factor that determines the overall quality of an image or screen. Other factors include color accuracy, contrast, and brightness. Additionally, higher resolutions require more processing power and memory, so it’s important to ensure that your device can handle the resolution you want before making a purchase or upgrade.

WWE 2K19 Resolution

The game was released on October 9, 2018, for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The PC version of the game offers different resolution options to players.

WWE 2K19 on PC supports a variety of resolutions ranging from 720p to 4K. The game also allows players to adjust the quality settings to achieve optimal performance on their system. This means that players with a powerful gaming PC can enjoy the game at its highest settings, while those with lower-end systems can reduce the settings to achieve smoother performance.

Overall, WWE 2K19 on PC offers an immersive and realistic wrestling experience with the added bonus of customizability through resolution and graphics settings. Fans of the WWE franchise and wrestling games, in general, will undoubtedly enjoy this title

NBA 2K19 Resolution

NBA 2K19 is a basketball simulation video game developed by Visual Concepts and published by 2K Sports. The game was released on September 11, 2018, for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. The PC version of the game offers various resolution options to players.

NBA 2K19 on PC supports resolutions from 720p to 4K. Players can adjust the resolution according to their system’s capability, allowing for a more optimized gaming experience. The game’s graphics are visually stunning, with the attention to detail in player models, arenas, and animations impressing players.

The PC version of the game also allows players to adjust the graphics settings to optimize performance. This feature is useful for those with lower-end systems, who can lower the graphics settings to achieve smoother gameplay.

In conclusion, NBA 2K19 on PC provides an immersive and realistic basketball experience with various resolution and graphics settings to optimize performance on different systems. The game’s stunning graphics, soundtrack, and gameplay make it an excellent choice for basketball fans and sports gamers alike.

HWMonitor Download

If you’re facing any performance issues while playing either WWE 2K19 or NBA 2K19 on PC, it is advisable to download and use a hardware monitoring tool such as HWMonitor. This tool helps monitor the temperature, voltage, and clock speed of your system’s components, ensuring that they are running optimally. With this information, you can make the necessary adjustments to improve your gaming performance.

Comparison of WWE 2K19 and NBA 2K19 Resolution on PC

When it comes to resolution, both WWE 2K19 and NBA 2K19 offer players a similar gaming experience on PC. Both games support resolutions of up to 4K, providing players with a sharp and detailed image. Additionally, both games support HDR, which provides players with a wider color gamut and a more vivid gaming experience.


WWE 2K19 and NBA 2K19 are both great games on PC, offering players a high-resolution gaming experience with stunning visuals and smooth gameplay. When it comes to resolution, both games offer players a similar gaming experience, supporting resolutions of up to 4K and HDR.

However, there are some subtle differences between the two games, with NBA 2K19 offering more advanced anti-aliasing techniques and a more complex graphics engine. If you are looking for a high-resolution gaming experience on PC, both WWE 2K19 and NBA 2K19 are great options to consider. Before starting the game, it is always a good idea to use a system monitoring tool like hwmonitor to check your PC’s performance and make sure it meets the minimum requirements for the game.


  • Georgia Wareham

    Georgia Wareham is a dynamic content creator focused on the business industry. With a background in journalism, including roles at USA Today and NBC News, Georgia brings extensive experience to her work. Known for her keen eye for detail and compelling storytelling, she delivers insightful analysis and engaging content that provides valuable perspectives on the business landscape.